Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cool pics

I've let this blog inactive for a few months now, well, dunno if it should be called a blog in the first place but still, it's a free webpage where I can share my vision on an infatuation or is it simply an addiction of a once upon a diamond named Templeton who was in motion without any notion of restriction like an illusion with no known definition other then perfection now I must get to conclusion unles I stumble into delusion and lead you to confusion...


Oh well, see I what happens, I was away for too long, and my stat counter says I still get visits everyday!
So, thanks to you guys, I'll pick it up some and for now will just post a few more of these cool pics. But I'll be back soon with more stuff, who knows maybe even a new video if I can find some time to edit it.
I see eleven followers, though I don't get much comments, seems that some of you people still care and enjoy seeing or reading about tha coolest shorststop that ever was, #1 Garry Jumpsteady Templeton!!!

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